Warriors Long Shadows
By: Erin Hunter
Warriors Long Shadows is a book about a cat name Jaypaw, who is trying to get Shadow Clan to have faith in Star Clan. They are cats that used to be warriors and they died. They are still of the five clans. They can give you answers to questions if you ask them. Another problem in the story is green cough. One of the cats named Mille gets it about a month after she gives birth to three kittens. There names are Rosekit, Toadkit, and Bumblekit. Her daughter Daisy had to take care of them along with her own kit Brierkit. Later in the story Ashfur a cat from Thunder Clan died. Some of the warriors of Thunder Clan found him floating in the river. He had a big gash on his throat, then the warriors that found him had a big fight about what happened to him. Ashfur and Squirretail used to get in fights a lot so they blamed Squirretail when she came back all wet. In the end of the book they did find out that Squirretail murder Ashfur. Also in the end the found a cure for green cough and Jaypaw got Shadow Clan to have faith in Star Clan.
One of the main themes in the story is faith. An example of how this theme is shown is when Jaypaw tries to get Shadow Clan to have faith in Star Clan. Another example is when Jaypaw faith in Star Clan it helps him gain Star Clans trust. Another way is after Shadow Clan showed faith Star Clan revealed how Ashfur died.
I would recommend this book to other 7th grade reader's because it's a very good mystery novel and know a lot of people that love a good mystery.